Breaking News


Advertising Options
General Listing
Basic listing of business name and phone number, website email
Enhanced listing
Basic listing including live links and 50-character description.
1500x450 pixals banner on each page, artwork included, and an enhanced listing.
Article with pictures, enhanced listing

Prices will not be prorated; website is updated monthly. Prime placement on the web is subject to availability and corporate approval. No prime placement on the web will be guaranteed without payment in full. Actual size visible on website depends on client computer display and browser settings. When submitting artwork, it should be sized at the specified pixel values with a 72 dpi resolution and RGB color mode. Accepted formats are: .jpg, .png and .gif. In rotating positions no animated .gif may be used. 

 • No outside advertisers or pop-ups
 • Regular updates 
 • Submit your contract or renewal with payment 
 • Submit your web-ready banner or we will create one for you 
 • Review the artwork and submit comments for revision until approved
 • You may make up to 2 changes at no extra cost or sign off on proof 
 • Banner and web listing information is posted within 2 business days from approval 
 • Within a month from expiration, you will receive a notification to renew
 • URL changes during the contract are not billed extra